Source code for ophelia.input

# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Thomas Lotze
# See also LICENSE.txt

import re

import zope.interface

import ophelia.interfaces

XML_DECLARATION = re.compile("(<\?xml([^<>]*)\?>)")
CODING_PATTERN = re.compile("coding[=:]\s*\"?\s*([-\w.]+)\s*\"?")

[docs]class Splitter(object): """Splitter decomposing a file into Python script and template. Instantiate as Splitter(**options). """ zope.interface.implements(ophelia.interfaces.ISplitterAPI) script_encoding = None template_encoding = None def __init__(self, **options): self.script_encoding = options.get("script_encoding", "ascii") self.template_encoding = options.get("template_encoding", "ascii") def __call__(self, content): """Split file content into Python script and template. content: str returns (unicode, unicode): Python script and template may raise ValueError if <?xml ... ?> is not closed """ parts = XML_DECLARATION.split(content, 1) if len(parts) == 1: script, xml_options, template = "", "", content line_offset = row_offset = 0 else: script, xml_declaration, xml_options, template = parts pre_lines = (script + xml_declaration).splitlines() line_offset = len(pre_lines) - 1 row_offset = len(pre_lines[-1]) # XXX This is a bad hack in order to keep the splitter API backwards # compatible during the 0.3 series: self._last_template_offset = (line_offset, row_offset) template_encoding = self.template_encoding coding_match = if coding_match: template_encoding = template = template.decode(template_encoding) script_encoding = self.script_encoding script = script.strip() if script.startswith("#"): lines = script.splitlines(True) coding_match =[0]) if coding_match: script_encoding = del lines[0] script = "".join(lines) script = script.decode(script_encoding) return script, template